Ok, first of all I know this is not some urban legend in the HVAC world, but it easily could be. I know this individual and I believe his story.
Back up 15 years or so in Phoenix during a hot summer. This fellow was just out of trade school and got his first job at a small Dad and son outfit. Well, of course, he was nervous and wanted to make a good impression. He rode with the dad on day one. (another story-another day) He rode with the son on day two.The first call was some routine, low freon, gas-n-go. The next was one for the ages.
They knocked on the door and an elderly woman answers and says her A/C is blowing hot air. Granted it is in June so things are heating up quick and she only has one unit. During the course of the discussion the 'son' finds out she is a widow recently and she does not know much about A/C (except it dosent work). Well the two pull the ladders and go up on the roof for a look.
Package unit, pretty straightforward. The new guy looks in from the top and notices a lead on the
compressor is burned off. He tells the 'son' thinking, "Wow, I just proved myself." The son grunts and says lets go on back down. He tells the new guy to go wait in the truck while he talks to the customer. When the son returns he says lets go out and get a bite to eat and get a couple of things.
By now the new guy is confused. First they stop for a burger and the son pays. He gets a whole speech about how tough the business is, blah blah blah...Then they go get the local newspaper from the convenience store. Next they stop by a hardware store and get two cans of black lacquer spray paint. (Oh no, you say but yes they do).
They return to the home, remove the top, fix the wire for .25 cents and layout the newspaper. They spray paint the compressor a shiny new black and put it all back together. $650 later they are out the door with a 'new compressor' installed.
You are asking does this kind of $xxt really happen? Yes it does. Your job is to get educated, ask questions and be involved. I got into this trade after my parents were scammed by some local dirtbags. Do I want to get even, yes. This is why I write this stuff down and share it.
By the way did you know if you have only one unit in your home and have small children or elderly folks living there some, reputable, companies will prioritize your call. Make sure if you know someone who is older and lives alone has that information....Anyone can contact me at
http://www.thermal-medics.com/ or pick up the phone to call. My phone number is on the website. I don't care if you call or email from Fargo or Florida I will get back to you and I will answer your questions. The website and this blog are FREE for anyone, DIY, homeowners, general questions or anything related to heat pumps and A/C units.